Our Vision for Athletics
Our goal is to utilize athletics as an educational tool that will glorify God while developing Biblical virtues. We strive for our athletics programs to compete at a high level, but our greatest goal is that our athletics program helps to equip every "Crusader" intellectually, physically, socially, and spiritually so that they may use their gifts and talents to impact our world for Christ.
Travis Hathaway, Athletic Director
Sports Offered
West End offers numerous athletic options throughout the school year and also numerous camps during the summer.
Fall Sports
Winter Sports
Spring Sports
Summer Sports
Boys Soccer
Girls Volleyball
Cross Country
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Elementary Co-Ed Basketball
Basketball Camp
Click here for Sports Physical Form
2023-2024 JV Regular
Season Champions
2023 Middle School Girls Volleyball
CCAC Champions
Meet Our Coaches
Travis Hathaway
Boys Varsity Basketball
Boys Soccer
Basketball Camp
Nan Frink
Girls Varsity Volleyball
Amanda Holder
Girls Middle School Volleyball
Eddie Shelburne
Boys Middle School Basketball
Mollie & Charlie Harrison
Cross Country
April VanSant
Girls Basketball